On 3/6/2014 7:31 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Whoa. You're not serious about changing this now, are you? Because even
though I would support such a change, you have to realize the magnitude
of code breakage that will happen. A lot of code that iterates over
narrow strings will break, and worse yet, they will break *silently*.
Calling count() on a narrow string will not return the expected value,
for example. And existing code that iterates over narrow strings
expecting dchars to come out of it will suddenly silently convert to
char, and may pass by unnoticed until somebody runs the program with a
multibyte character in the input.

I understand this all too well. (Note that we currently have a different silent problem: unnoticed large performance problems.)

This is very high risk change IMO.

You're welcome to create a (temporary) Phobos fork that reverts narrow
string auto-decoding, of course, and people can try it out to see how
much actual breakage is happening. If you really want to push for this,
that might be the safest way to test the waters before committing to
such a major change. Silent breakage is not easy to test for,
unfortunately. :(

I posted a plan in another message in this thread. It'll be a long process, but I think it's doable.

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