On Sunday, 9 March 2014 at 01:23:27 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 3/8/14, 4:42 PM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
On Saturday, 8 March 2014 at 23:59:15 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
My only claim is that recognizing and iterating strings by code point
is better than doing things by the octet.

Considering or disregarding the disadvantages of this choice?

Doing my best to weigh everything with the right measures.

I think it would be good to get a comparison of the two approaches, and list the arguments presented so far. I'll look into starting a Wiki page.

Okay, though when you opened with "devastating" I was hoping for nothing short of death and dismemberment.

In proportion. To the best of my knowledge, no one here writes software for military or industrial robots in D. Security issues rank as the worst kind of bugs in software on my scale.

Anyhow the fix is obvious per this brief tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkDD03yeLnU

I don't get it.

I'm quite sure that std.range and std.algorithm will lose a LOT of
weight if they were fixed to not treat strings specially.

I'm not so sure. Most of the string-specific optimizations simply detect certain string cases and forward them to array algorithms that need be written anyway. You would, indeed, save a fair amount of isSomeString conditionals and stuff (thus simplifying on scaffolding), but probably not a lot of code. That's not useless work - it'd go somewhere in any design.

One way to find out.

Besides if you want to do Unicode you gotta crack some eggs.

No, I can't see how this justifies the choice. An explicit decoding range would have simplified things greatly while offering much of the
same advantages.

My point there is that there's no useless or duplicated code that would be thrown away. A better design would indeed make for better modular separation - would be great if the string-related optimizations in std.algorithm went elsewhere. They wouldn't disappear.

Why? Isn't the whole issue that std.range presents strings as dchar ranges, and std.algorithm needs to detect dchar ranges and then treat them as char arrays? As opposed to std.algorithm just detecting arrays and treating them all as arrays (which it should be doing now anyway)?

3. Hidden, difficult-to-detect performance problems. The reason why this thread was started. I've had to deal with them in several places myself.

I disagree with "hidden, difficult to detect".

Why? You can only find out that an algorithm is slower than it needs to be via either profiling (at which point you're wondering why the @#$% the thing is so slow), or feeding it invalid UTF. If you had made a different choice for Unicode in D, this problem would not exist altogether.


Could you please elaborate? This is the second uninformative reply to this argument.

Except we already do. Arguments have already been presented in this thread that demonstrate correctness problems with the current approach. I don't think that these can stand up to the problems that the simpler
by-char iteration approach would have.

Sure there are, and you yourself illustrated a misuse of the APIs.

If UTF decoding was explicit, the problem would stand out. I don't think this is a valid argument.

My point is: code point is better than code unit

This was debated... people should not be looking at individual code points, unless they really know what they're doing.

Grapheme is better than code point but a lot slower.

We are going in circles. People should have very good reasons for looking at individual graphemes as well.

It seems we're quite in a sweet spot here wrt performance/correctness.

This does not seem like an objective summary of this thread's arguments so far.

I guess I'll get working on that wiki page to organize the arguments. This discussion is starting to feel like a quicksand roundabout.

With what has been put forward so far, that's not even close to justifying a breaking change. If that great better design is just get back to code unit iteration, the change will not happen while I work on D. It is possible, however, that a much better idea comes forward, and I'd be looking forward to such.

Actually, could you post some examples of real-world code that would be broken by a hypothetical sudden switch? I think I would be hard-pressed to find some in my own code, but I'd need to check for sure to find out.

2. Add byChar that returns a random-access range iterating a string by character. Add byWchar that does on-the-fly transcoding to UTF16. Add byDchar that accepts any range of char and does decoding. And such stuff. Then whenever one wants to go through a string by code point can just use str.byChar.

This is confusing. Did you mean to say that byChar iterates a string by code unit (not character / code point)?

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