On 09/03/14 04:26, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
2. Add byChar that returns a random-access range iterating a string by
character. Add byWchar that does on-the-fly transcoding to UTF16. Add
byDchar that accepts any range of char and does decoding. And such
stuff. Then whenever one wants to go through a string by code point
can just use str.byChar.

This is confusing. Did you mean to say that byChar iterates a string by
code unit (not character / code point)?

Unit. s.byChar.front is a (possibly ref, possibly qualified) char.

So IIUC iterating over s.byChar would not encounter the decoding-related speed hits that Walter is concerned about?

In which case it seems to me a better solution -- "safe" strings by default, unsafe speed-focused solution available if you want it. ("Safe" here in the more general sense of "Doesn't generate unexpected errors" rather than memory safety.)

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