On Fri, 14 Mar 2014 08:51:05 -0000, 1100110 <0b1100...@gmail.com> wrote:

     version (X86 || X86_64 || PPC || PPC64 || ARM || AArch64)
         enum RTLD_LAZY = 0x00001;
         enum RTLD_NOW = 0x00002;
         enum RTLD_GLOBAL = 0x00100;
         enum RTLD_LOCAL = 0x00000;
     else version (MIPS32)
         enum RTLD_LAZY = 0x0001;
         enum RTLD_NOW = 0x0002;
         enum RTLD_GLOBAL = 0x0004;
         enum RTLD_LOCAL = 0;

Walter's point, I believe, is that you should define a meaningful version identifier for each specific case, and that this is "better" because then you're less concerned about where it's supported and more concerned with what it is which is/isn't supported.

Maintenance is very slightly better too, IMO, because you add/remove/alter a complete line rather than editing a set of || && etc which can in some cases be a little confusing. Basically, the chance of an error is very slightly lower.

For example, either this:

version(X86) version = MeaningfulVersion
version(X86_64) version = MeaningfulVersion
version(PPC) version = MeaningfulVersion
version(PPC64) version = MeaningfulVersion
version(ARM) version = MeaningfulVersion
version(AArch64) version = MeaningfulVersion

else version (MIPS32)

or this:

version (X86) version = MeaningfulVersion
version (X86_64) version = MeaningfulVersion
version (PPC) version = MeaningfulVersion
version (PPC64) version = MeaningfulVersion
version (ARM) version = MeaningfulVersion
version (AArch64) version = MeaningfulVersion

version (MIPS32) version = OtherMeaningfulVersion

version (MeaningfulVersion)
else version (OtherMeaningfulVersion)


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