On 3/16/14, 11:46 AM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
Actually, rather the opposite -- I know you understand the arguments
very well, and therefore I have much higher expectations in terms of how
detailed an explanation I think you should be prepared to offer to
justify your decisions ;-)

I literally can't say anything more on the subject than I've already had. I've said it all. I could, of course, reiterate my considerations, and that would have other people reiterate theirs and their opinion on how my pros don't hold that much weight and how my cons hold a lot more weight than they should.

One of the problems with this particular issue is that probably as far
as most people are concerned, a discussion was had, people pitched
arguments one way and the other, some positions became entrenched, other
people changed their minds, and finally, a decision was made -- by you
and Walter -- in favour of final by default.

For the record I never decided that way, which explains my surprise when I saw the pull request that adds "virtual". Upon discussing with Walter it became apparent that he made that decision against his own judgment. We are presently happy and confident we did the right thing.

Please do not reply to this. Let sleeping dogs tell the truth.



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