Am Mon, 17 Mar 2014 09:57:57 +0000
schrieb "Kelet" <>:

> Was watching a YouTube video, and was pleasantly surprised when 
> Minecraft's lead developer and designer made a (albeit small) 
> mention of D as a possible language for game development.

"And then there is a similar language [to C/C++] called D.
This is slightly more modern than C++. It has more
flexibility in the syntax of the language. I couldn't find
very much information on how to make games in D, but if you
are really interested in this, I mean if you are really into
programming already and want to see something new, then you
should look up D, because that's a very interesting language
for one that is a nerd like me. Alright, but let's move on to
slightly more higher level languages. So we have Java..."

The slide reads:


o Also a compiled language
o More modern than C++
o Maybe not mature for game development yet
o To get started:


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