On 3/14/2014 6:20 AM, Regan Heath wrote:

Yes.. but doesn't help Manu or any other consumer concerned with speed
if the library producer neglected to do this.  This is the real issue,
right?  Not whether class *can* be made final (trivial), but whether
they *actually will* *correctly* be marked final/virtual where they
ought to be.

Library producers range in experience and expertise and are "only human"
so we want the option which makes it more likely they will produce good
code.  In addition we want the option which means that if they get it
wrong, less will break if/when they want to correct it.

While I personally would have been perfectly ok with changing to final-by-default (I'm fine either way), I can't help wondering: Is it really that big of a deal to sprinkle some "final"s into the occasional third party library if you really need to?

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