I didn't know this. Please file a bugzilla enhancement request for it, and we'll see about fixing it.

On 3/17/2014 6:34 PM, Jay Norwood wrote:
I ran into a problem with the std.file.remove() operation being limited by the
windows ascii maxpath of around 260 characters, even though the low level code
is calling the unicode version of windows delete, which has the capability to go
up to 32k.   The trick appears to be that the unicode api calls still need
"\\?\" prepended to the string in order to extend the path limit to 32K.

There is some discussion of it at this link.

So, I wonder if it would be appropriate to update this std.utf.toUTF16z, or else
create a new version that does the prepending correctly if the path provided
exceeds the relatively small MAX_PATH limit.

We might also want to re-examine MAX_PATH use elsewhere in the code, since
windows can supposedly support the 32K paths through use of the unicode versions
of the calls, which the std.file methods are using.

void remove(in char[] name)
         cenforce(DeleteFileW(std.utf.toUTF16z(name)), name);

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