Am 22.03.2014 06:58, schrieb deadalnix:
On Saturday, 22 March 2014 at 01:24:38 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 3/21/2014 5:39 PM, bearophile wrote:
That code must always be hard-real time. So a GC is allowed only
during startup
time (unless it's a quite special GC), hidden heap allocations are
data access patterns need to be carefully chosen, you even have to
use most of
the hot part of the stack, etc.

These are all very doable in D, and I've written apps that do so. The
"fear of GC" is completely overblown.

Fear of GC is overblown. Fear of D's GC isn't.

Yes, as there are a few high performance trading systems done with JVM/.NET languages.


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