On Saturday, 22 March 2014 at 16:35:07 UTC, Brian Rogoff wrote:

This is a very interesting thread that you started. Could you flesh it out more with some example C++ that you'd like compared to D? I'm sure quite a few people would assist with a translation.

Well, right away people jumped to high-frequency trading. Although that may be the most visible area in computational finance - it's not the only one. There are areas where performance is crucial, but where trading is done at a lower frequency (where latency is not the main issue).

I'm not expert in high frequency trading, but I was inspired by your post to start poking around here


and study some of the algorithms. Nothing there that I wouldn't rather see in D than C++.

The example that you link to is exactly what I have in mind. A simple comparison of Monte Carlo routines for pricing options would be a great place to start.

The bible on this is the book by Glasserman:


And a great source for approaching this is in C++ is Joshi:


D's GC is problematic, but the hope is that you can avoid allocating from the GC'ed heap and that eventually (soon? please?) it will be replaced by a better precise GC.

Sounds great to me. I would love to see it. Thanks for taking interest.

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