On Sunday, 23 March 2014 at 00:50:34 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
It's become clear to me that we've underspecified what an InputRange is. The normal way to use it is:

    while (!r.empty) {
        auto e = r.front;
        ... do something with e ...

no argument there. But there are two issues:

1. If you know the range is not empty, is it allowed to call r.front without calling r.empty first?

If this is true, extra logic will need to be added to r.front in many cases.

2. Can r.front be called n times in a row? I.e. is calling front() destructive?

If true, this means that r.front will have to cache a copy in many cases.

I think there is one design mistake with current InputRange rules that makes usage so inconsistent. We have `empty` but don't have any distinct `not yet started` state. If calling `popFront` at least once was required before accessing `front`, I can't imagine the case where having any non-trivial code in `front` would have been necessary.

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