On Tuesday, 25 March 2014 at 17:22:45 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:
I'm working on something called "fold". It is designed as nothing more than a replacement for "reduce", but where the seed comes *second* in terms of arguments. It allows this:


Good! I've been greatly disturbed by this too.

Especially by the fact that reduce throws upon empty input because it currently has no way of deducing return value. This can be a greatly annoying "surprise" to new users.

From algebra we learn the following relations:

Operator Unit
+,(-)    0
*,(/)    1
min      T.max
max      T.min

I guess typeof return value could be deduced according + and * at least.

Have you perhaps found a way to deduce it in the general case using the reduce function and ElementType of input range, something like

    typeof(binaryFun(E, E))


    alias E = ElementType!R,

I thought about adding an overload for reduce using template restriction that would solve the problem without adding a new function. But I guess that adding such an overload could cause just as much confusion to programmers who are used to the current syntax.

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