Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"Chad J" <> wrote in message news:h4oku0$
Daniel Keep wrote:
Maybe the compiler could rewrite the above as:

auto t = a.b;
t.c = 3;
a.b = t;

I'd always suspected C# properties did something like this, though it's
been so long since I've used C# now that I'm wondering if it's bad memory.

Same here, so I just did a little test in Visual C# 2008 Express. Turns out that rewriting *is* exactly what C# does.

using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        class Rect
            public int width;
            public int height;

            public Rect(int width, int height)
                this.width = width;
                this.height = height;

        class Widget
            public Rect size { get; set; }
            public Widget()
                size = new Rect(50,50);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Widget wid = new Widget();

            Console.Out.WriteLine("width:  "+wid.size.width);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("height: "+wid.size.height);

            wid.size.width = 100;

            Console.Out.WriteLine("width:  "+wid.size.width);
            Console.Out.WriteLine("height: "+wid.size.height);

            Console.ReadLine(); // So I can *read* the dang output

Compiles successfully.

width:  50
height: 50
width:  100
height: 50

As far as I understand, this example is not relevant because there are no structs involved.


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