downs wrote:
> Walter Bright wrote:
>> downs wrote:
>>> As it stands, the claim on the homepage that it's easier to implement
>>> a D compiler than a C++ one is highly dubious.
>> Since I'm the only person to have implemented both, I think I'm in a
>> good position to judge that yes, it is easier!
> Well, I can't really argue with that, but please consider that you 
> implemented the C++ compiler against a "known set of features", at least in 
> part, so to speak, whereas DMD grew with the language. An outsider would face 
> the difficulty of building a reliable C++ compiler, vs. a reliable D 
> compiler, _from scratch_.

Word of explanation follow-up: when I started writing the original post, I 
thought the homepage said D strived to be simple to implement; when I checked 
and found it actually said that D strived to be simpler than C++ I had to 
change my post.

Walter, of course I didn't intend to criticize your knowledge of your own 
compiler; the implied accusation makes me feel bad in retrospect :p

It's just that I feel that D could and should be simpler than it is, and I'm 
worried that no attention will be paid to that problem before the 2.0 release.

That is all, really.

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