On Sunday, 6 April 2014 at 01:33:36 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
On 4/5/2014 9:26 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

It would be *fantastic* if D recognized the disambiguation of using
incompatible types and permitted this:

    interface Foo {}
    interface Bar {}
    class FooBar : Foo, Bar {}

    void func(Foo foo=someFoo, Bar bar=someBar) {...}

    func(myFoo); // Unambiguous, OK
    func(myBar); // Unambiguous, OK
    func(myFooBar); // Ambiguous, ERROR

Actually, that last line should be:

func(myFooBar); // Unambiguous, this is still interpreted as the first parameter (with the second parameter left as default) just as it is right now.

I think D is actually one of the better languages around in terms of factoring this sort of thing out. Here's an example argument parser that lets you define pairs of optional arguments: http://pastebin.com/RaNfwH6X. It can be extended to allow n-tuples of optional arguments.

Argument parsing is encapsulated so writers only have to declare one function template, with a constraint that clearly expresses intent:

void func(Args...)(Args args)
    if (Pattern!(bool, AnyOf!(int, string)).matches!Args)
    alias Parser = Pattern!(bool, AnyOf!(int, string));
auto parsedArgs = Parser.parse(tuple(args), tuple(false, 0, "0"));

void main()
    func(true);         // true, 0, "0"
    func(true, 1);      // true, 1, "0"
    func(true, "1");    // true, 0, "1"
    func(true, 1, "1"); // true, 1, "1"

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