(Putting this out there because it sounds like I'm going to get scooped in the near future)

So last week I was dinking around with the idea of a library to support calling C++ functions. So I wrote some ct code to emulate g++ 4.8.2's mangling scheme, and wrote a bit more code to wrap it, and calling conventions seemed to work out, and this is what I got:

for the C++:

class X {
        int i;

        int y();
        void z(int j);

        static int abu(int j);

do this:

mixin CppClass!("X",
    typeof(new class {
        int i;
        int y();
        void z(int j);

        static int abu(int j);
mixin(X.Externs); // waa, issue 12575

it generates something like

struct X {
    int i;
    int y() {
        return _ZN1X1yEv(&this);
    void z(int j) {
        _ZN1X1zEi(&this, j);
    static int abu(int j) {
        return _ZN1X3abuEi(j);
extern(C) int _ZN1X1yEv(X*);
extern(C) void _ZN1X1zEi(X*,int);
extern(C) int _ZN1X3abuEi(int);

And it all seems to work. pointer params, reference params, variadic params, operators, templates all seem within ready reach.

virtual functions are going to be difficult - I guess you'd have to have a complete and accurate list of all fields in the class and all its superclasses. And all virtual functions. But g++ inserts a vtable symbol for classes with virtual functions - does anyone know what the heck that is?

Same for constructing a C++ object from within D - you need a valid sizeof.

other compilers won't work as above, the mangling scheme used by eg DMC doesn't produce valid D identifiers. Is there a pragma or anything to get around this?

And I totally spaced on exceptions until I looked on this forum a few minutes ago.

So my plan is to get all these bits implemented, then build a tool to validate the C++ and D sides match up, then build a tool to generate the D side from C++ headers. And then start expanding the list of supported C++ compilers.

Does this sound like a reasonable project? The points of concern I am worried about most are:

safety associated with supporting virtual functions
if a c++ mangler is stateful, that would shut me down pretty quick. it requires the C++ compiler/version be specified at a library level
exceptions probably won't work

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