Walter Bright:

Given the current strong constraints in the directions of D design, I like it.

But in DIPs I suggest to also write a list of the advantages of a proposal, and a list of all the disadvantages.

In this ER I suggested a @noheap, that is meant to also forbid the C memory allocation functions:
But I guess there is no reliable way to catch those function calls too? If the discussion is against @noheap then I'll close that ER as obsolete.

With @nogc D has most of the basic function effects covered. One missing effect that D is not yet putting under control is nontermination; to annotate functions that can not loop forever and never return (like a function with an infinite loop inside, etc). But for the kind of programs written in D, I presume this effect is not yet important enough to deserve an annotation like @terminates.

There is a language studied by Microsoft that faces the problem of effects algebra in a more discipled and high-level way. I don't know how much this can help D at its current development stage:
But in general reading research papers is useful to get in a good mindframe. In Koka language the functions that can not terminate are annotated with "div", that means "divergence". But Koka has a good effect inference.


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