On Wednesday, 16 April 2014 at 13:57:33 UTC, Daniel Murphy wrote:
"asman" wrote in message
is there? if so, where is it? Also, I see dmd is written in
C++ but still uses C style to do stuff eg, printf() instead of
cout. Is this why C++ libraries can increase a lot size (and
performance?) of executable which current style don't?
There are no formal rules that I'm aware of (unless somebody
added them to the wiki) but the (frontend) code is fairly
The C-ish style is mostly due to age and Walter's preferences.
This has turned out to be a huge advantage as it makes
conversion to D much easier than C++-style code with heavy stl
usage etc.
Thanks very much. In this case I can assume there's no std::
stuff and it isn't allowed, correct?