On Monday, 21 April 2014 at 16:45:15 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On Sunday, 20 April 2014 at 14:38:47 UTC, Frustrated wrote:

How bout this!

Why not allow one to define their own attributes from a generalized subset and then define a few standard ones like @nogc.

Sounds like you want AST macros. Have a look at this http://wiki.dlang.org/DIP50#Declaration_macros

/Jacob Carlborg

Not quite. AST macros simply transform code. Attributes attach meta data to code. While I'm sure there is some overlap they are not the same.

Unless AST macros have the ability to arbitrary add additional contextual information to meta code then they can't emulate attributes.

E.g., Suppose you have D with AST macros but not attributes, how can you add them?

In the dip, you have

macro attr (Context context, Declaration decl)
    auto attrName = decl.name;
    auto type = decl.type;

    return <[
        private $decl.type _$decl.name;

        $decl.type $decl.name ()
            return _$decl.name;

        $decl.type $decl.name ($decl.type value)
            return _$decl.name = value;

class Foo
    @attr int bar;

but attr is not an attribute. It is an macro. @attr converts the "int bar" field into a private setter and getter. This has nothing to do with attributes.

(just cause you use the attr word and the @ symbol doesn't make it an attribute)

I don't see how you could ever add attributes to D using AST macros above unless the definition of an AST macro is modified. [Again, assuming D didn't have attributes in the first place]

This does not mean that AST macros could not be used to help define the generalized attributes though.

What I am talking about is instead of hard coding attributes in the compiler, one abstracts and generalizes the code so that any attribute could be added in the future with minimal work.

It would simply require one to add the built in attributes list, add the attribute grammar(which is used to reduce compound attributes), add any actions that happen when the attribute is used in code.


builtin_attributes = {

    {pureness, pure, !pure/impure,
        attr = any(attr, impure) => impure
        attr = all(attr, pure) => pure

    {gc, gc, !gc/nogc,
        attr = any(attr, gc) => gc
        attr = all(attr, nogc) => nogc
    etc... }

notices that pureness and gc have the same grammatical rules. Code would be added to handle the pureness and gc attributes when they are come across for optimization purposes.

The above syntax is just made up and pretty bad but hopefully not too difficult to get the bigger picture.

Every new built in attribute would just have to be added to the list above(easy) and code that uses it for whatever purpose would be added in the code where it belongs.

User define attributes essentially would make the attributes list above dynamic allowing the user to add to it. The compiler would only be told how to simplify the attributes using the grammar and would do so but would not have any code inserted because there is no way for the user to hook into the compiler properly(I suppose it could be done if the compiler was written in an oop like way).

In any case, because the compiler knows how to simplify UDA's by using the provided grammar it makes UDA's much more powerful. CT reflection and AST macros would make them way more powerful. The ability to add hooks into the compiler would nearly give the user the same power as the compiler writer. Of course, this would probably lead to all kinds of compatibility problems in user code.

Basically, as of now, all we can do is define UDA's, we can't define how they relate to each other(the grammar) nor what happens when the exist(the behavior). There should not be any real difference between UDA's and built in attributes(except hooking, only because of complexity issues) and having a generalized attribute system in the compiler would go a long way to bridging the gap.

The main thing to take away from this is that *if* D had such an attribute system, the gc/nogc issue would be virtually non-existent. It would only take a few minutes to add a UDA @gc/@nogc to D in user code. At least a few people would have done it, and it's merits could be seen. Then it would be only a matter of "copy and pasting" the definition of the attribute to the compiler code and it would then become a built in making it available for everyone.

At some point optimizations in the compiler could potentially be added... just for fun. Not really the point of the attribute but having it does provide such possibilities.

Also, with such a system, attributes can propagate from the bottom up and inference makes it a lot easier.

E.g., atomic statements could be "marked" with attributes. Blocks of statements can be marked but also inherit from the statements and blocks they use.

With such a system, one could mark individual assembly instructions as, say, @dangerous. If @dangerous was a "bubbling" attribute then you could check and see which functions in your code was @dangerous, or if your program was @dangerous.

One could do it similar with @allocate. Any primitive thing that allocates in D should get the attribute. Then, if @allocate is a "bubbling" attribute, you could find out exactly which parts of code in your allocates. You could even find out were this happens.


void foo()
     auto m = core.stdc.stdlib.malloc(size);
bar(); // assume bar does not have @allocate attribute(does not allocate memory in any way)

foo would be marked @allocate since malloc is marked with @allocate and @allocate is an inheriting attribute. A utility could be written that shows the hierarchy of the program allowing you to explore things and you could find foo and see that the reason why foo is marked @allocate is because it calls malloc which is marked @allocate. (malloc would be explicitly marked while foo would be deduced by the compiler for us)

Hopefully it is easy to see that by starting from the bottom and with a well defined attribute system the compiler can become more powerful by automatically simplifying attributes for us no matter how complex the program.

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