On 04/26/2014 11:31 AM, Walter Bright wrote:

Best practices in C++ code increasingly means putting functions and
declarations in namespaces. Currently, there is no support in D to call
C++ functions in namespaces. The primary issue is that the name mangling
doesn't match. Need a simple and straightforward method of indicating

There have been many proposals earlier:


but it seems to me that the simplest, most straightforward approach
would be better.

I agree.

As more and more people are attempting to call C++ libraries from D,
this is getting to be a more and more important issue.

Looks good to me, but I think that the current limited lookup rules for template mixins are not really good enough to accommodate for common usage patterns of namespaces.

I think the following should both just work:

import std.stdio;

mixin template Foo(T){
    T foo(T a){ return a; }
mixin Foo!int g;
mixin Foo!string g;

void main(){

// -----

import std.stdio;

namespace g{
    int foo(int a){ return a; }
namespace g{
    string foo(string a){ return a; }

void main(){

Both examples should still work if the two mixins/namespaces occur in (possibly different) imported modules. I think this would be in line with how lookup is generally handled in D. (Note that I am not suggesting to make namespaces extensible, but rather to make them overloadable.) How do you think about this?

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