On Monday, 28 April 2014 at 07:45:20 UTC, Temtaime wrote:
I think he meant next:

void foo();

namespace A { void foo(); }

And now we has:

exnern(C++, A) void foo();
import A;

void main() {
A.foo(); // which foo will be called ? how to call d version or c++ ?

This is close. Forgive inaccurate syntax, but I see at least these issues that will make namespaces/module-system broken in terms of maintenance:

YEAR 2014:

extern (C++, std){ void something(); }

extern (C++,std){void something(); void anything();}

import framework1;
import framework2;
… std.something(); // is this ok, because the extern signatures match?


YEAR 2015:

std.d is updated:
void something(){}
void coolstuff(){}

application.d is updated to use the new coolstuff():
import framework1;
import framework2;
… std.something(); // namespace encapsulation broken or fail?
… std.coolstuff();

application.d is corrected to (or using some other resolution):
import framework1;
import framework2;
… framework2.std.something();
… std.coolstuff();


YEAR 2016:

framework2.d is modified:
extern (C++,std){ void anything(); }

application.d is recompiled unmodified:
import framework1;
import framework2;
 // fails even though the signature is still in framework1
… framework2.std.something();
… std.coolstuff();

There's no linker problem because D and C++ has different name mangling.

Right, but I want to be sure that the type-system sees all externs with the same signature as the same type. I also am not sure how the "closing of namespaces" will work if you have multiple frameworks that independently specify their own C++ bindings to the same library.

The sole purpose of namespace/modules is to have clean separation between frameworks and support evolutionary development. I am not convinced that this property is not broken with the proposed change.

To get around this you will have to remove the "closing of namespaces" restriction and add a root "cpp" so that all cpp namespaces get: cpp.std.something() etc…

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