On Tuesday, 29 April 2014 at 06:22:34 UTC, Atash wrote:
Let's say that we have a struct `A` that contains some template function named `fn` template-parameterized on its argument types:

struct A {
void fn(A)(auto ref A a) { ... }

I cannot get a handle on `fn` as an alias when searching for overloads of the string "fn" in `A` via `__traits(getOverloads,A,"fn")`. This makes sense, obviously, because `fn` doesn't really 'exist' as a template.

But the compiler can, nevertheless, generate a proper implementation of `fn` depending on its argument(s). It doesn't have to create the code, as with e.g. `__traits(compiles, A.init.fn(0))`. While it doesn't make sense to list overloads of a given name when they're templates, it does make sense that given some argument types and qualifiers all candidate functions can be easily enumerated. I can't find such a feature, however.

Moreover, I cannot figure out how one could acquire a handle on even *just* the best match for a given function name with some given argument types.

With this, library writers could perform their own overload resolution without enforcing the use of wrapper classes when trying to plug one library into another library, ex. lib A has struct A with `fn` and lib B has struct B with `fn` and they have functions `fn` that accept each other and we want to choose the one that partially specializes on the other over the one that doesn't. It's basically the decision process behind the rewriting that occurs with a.opCmp(b) vs. b.opCmp(a), but fully emulated in the presence of templates without extra client-code-side hints and taking into account granularity finer than the four levels of overload resolution. It moves glue-code (or glue-behavior like argument ordering to a library function) from the user to the library writer, and allows that glue-code to be generic.

Is this a facility that is present in D, and I missed it? Are any of the above bulleted use-cases manageable with present-day D?

I'm kind of an obsessive metaprogramming-fiend, so this little issue is strangely vexing. I've come up with an idea for a solution, and am attempting to implement it, but it's extraordinarily hackish. It assumes that the name `fn` when called can be entirely resolved with its arguments by looking at the arguments' types and their template parameters (if any) and implicit target conversions (and their template parameters [if any]). I'm seeing in my head a combinatoric blow-up from the possible orderings of template arguments in the template declaration of `fn`, so... yeah. Kinda would like a __traits thing that gets all possible resolutions of a symbol in a call expression.

Thanks for your time~!

Ignore the 'bulleted' bit. I edited that preceding section from a list to a paragraph.

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