On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 04:32:33 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
Although I definitely would like to hear more about asynchronous javascript instead of my synchronous based code and how I can combine it at some point.

The way it works in mine is the proxy object sets a kinda magical helper value in the URL params, telling it to evaluate the named function instead of just trying to convert the data to the right time.

So for that one, the regular might be /add?a=1&b=2. With the nested call, we want a={the result of /add?a=1&b=2)&b=3.

So it passes it as something like this: "/add?" + urlencode("a=/add?a=1&a=2") + "&b=2&a-type=ServerResult";

So the special "a-type=" tells it that a should not be converted to an integer, but instead parsed and called.

The same url parser deconstructs it into a function call and gets the data out (currently, the implementation does it through string intermediaries for ease; it almost literally replaces that with the result in the URL, then re-parses it).

This avoids extra calls to the server since it is all done in one set. There's also ways to filter the results that way, for example running a querySelector() call on the server to filter a HTML result for JS.

Then, the JS call itself is either synchronous or asynchronous. The sync calls are done with the .getSync method. This generally sucks so I rarely use it, but one cool thing about it is exceptions from the D side are propagated to the Javascript side, making error handling natural. (This is also the way my web.d.php works - it uses PHP's version of opDispatch to make a little class that translate's PHP function calls to http requests for talking to the server. It always uses synchronous calls.... which sucks btw, but it is awfully easy to use: $a = $Foo->add(1, 2).getSync();)

The asynch ones just do pretty regular AJAX requests with a callback. The only thing that's interesting is I used the apply function in JS to make it kinda nice:

   return callback.apply(callbackThis, ourArguments);

So things like this kinda works sanely, arguments you pass are forwarded, etc.

function someFunction(something, another, result) {}

Foo.add(1,2).get(someFunction, "hey", this); // will call someFunction("hey", this, 3);

Naturally, there's on error callbacks too that can work the same way. D exceptions are passed as JS objects. (Indeed, in general, all the results from D are passed as objects, it does some JSON.parse action on the JS side and automatic serialization on the D side so many things just work.)

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