
A coworker mentioned the idea that unittests could be run in parallel (using e.g. a thread pool). I've rigged things to run in parallel unittests across modules, and that works well. However, this is too coarse-grained - it would be great if each unittest could be pooled across the thread pool. That's more difficult to implement.

This brings up the issue of naming unittests. It's becoming increasingly obvious that anonymous unittests don't quite scale - coworkers are increasingly talking about "the unittest at line 2035 is failing" and such. With unittests executing in multiple threads and issuing e.g. logging output, this is only likely to become more exacerbated. We've resisted named unittests but I think there's enough evidence to make the change.

Last but not least, virtually nobody I know runs unittests and then main. This is quickly becoming an idiom:

version(unittest) void main() {}
else void main()

I think it's time to change that. We could do it the non-backward-compatible way by redefining -unittest to instruct the compiler to not run main. Or we could define another flag such as -unittest-only and then deprecate the existing one.

Thoughts? Would anyone want to work on such stuff?


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