On Wednesday, 30 April 2014 at 17:23:49 UTC, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:
Tornado, Pyramid, Django as a framework and a design and idioms

I've looked closely at Django. I find it more convenient to use smaller independent libraries inspired by Django than using the framework itself.

The problem with frameworks that are supposed to support a plugin architecture is that they become complex and not very transparent. That makes debugging harder, and you need to debug because plugins don't always integrate well with each other. So at the end of the day you spend time struggling with debugging complex mechanics that you only need to support plugins. With a more nimble environment you spend less time debugging (or trying to figure out what a plugin actually does) and more time coding stuff that fits the requirements.

Frameworks requires you to invest time, that can pay off, but frameworks have trouble moving with the times so… that investment does not pay off long term when you realize that you need to switch to a different framework.

As an example: some of the frameworks I've looked at predated UTF-8 and contains an insane amount of code just for dealing with different character sets. The same is true for the client side. Some of the javascript frameworks contains a silly amount of code for dealing with IE6 and other browsers that you can safely ignore…

A good Go Web application has a very different architecture, design and code idioms due to the use of CSP via the goroutines.

Well, I only know Go from Google App Engine. Browse the hello-world tutorial and you'll see that the Python version is more legible (?):



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