On 5/1/14, 4:35 AM, Johannes Pfau wrote:
Am Wed, 30 Apr 2014 09:02:54 -0700
schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org>:

To summarize: It provides a function pointer for every  unit test to
druntime or user code. This is actually easy to do. Naming tests
requires changes in the parser, but I guess that shouldn't be
difficult either.

That's fantastic, would you be willing to reconsider that work?

Are you still interested in this?


I guess we could build a std.test phobos module to completely replace
the current unittest implementation, see:

This seems to be a better solution, especially considering extension

I think anything that needs more than the user writing unittests and adding a line somewhere would be suboptimal. Basically we need all we have now, just run in parallel.


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