if(single) {
        foreach(test; tests) {
    } else {
        foreach(test; tests.parallel) {

Try different batch size:
test.parallel(1), test.parallel(2) etc.

So as to not have thread creation be disproportionately represented, I repeated the module list over and over again, making the number of tests run equal to 9990. This takes 5s on my machine to run in on thread and 12s in multiple. Here are the things I tried:

1. Created my own TaskPool so I could decide how many threads to use
2. Changed the batch size in parallel from 1 to 10 to 100 to 1000
3. Explicitly spawn two threads and tell each to do a foreach on half of the tests

None of them made it go any faster. I had similar results using unit-threaded on my own projects. This is weird.


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