On Monday, 5 May 2014 at 14:59:13 UTC, Etienne wrote:
On 2014-05-04 4:34 AM, Daniele M. wrote:
I have read this excellent article by David A. Wheeler:


And since D language was not there, I mentioned it to him as a possible
good candidate due to its static typing and related features.

However, now I am asking the community here: would a D implementation (with GC disabled) of OpenSSL have been free from Heartbleed-type
vulnerabilities? Specifically
http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/126.html and
http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/20.html as David mentions.

I find this perspective very interesting, please advise :)

I'm currently working on a TLS library using only D. I've shared the ASN.1 parser here: https://github.com/globecsys/asn1.d

The ASN.1 format allows me to compile the data structures to D from the tls.asn1 in the repo I linked to. It uses the equivalent of D template structures extensively with what's called an Information Object Class.

Obviously, when it's done I need a DER serializer/deserializer which I intend on editing MsgPackD, and then I can do a handshake (read a ASN.1 certificate) and encrypt/decrypt AES/RSA using the certificate information and this cryptography library: https://github.com/apartridge/crypto .

I've never expected any help so I'm not sure what the licensing will be. I'm currently working on the generation step for the ASN.1 to D compiler, it's very fun to make a compiler in D.

This is a quite radical approach, I am very interested to see its development! Have you thought about creating an SSL/TLS implementations tester instead? With the compiled information I see this goal quite well in range.

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