On Tuesday, 6 May 2014 at 17:10:39 UTC, Ary Borenszweig wrote:
On 5/6/14, 10:41 AM, Chris wrote:
On Tuesday, 6 May 2014 at 13:25:56 UTC, Ary Borenszweig wrote:
On 5/6/14, 8:23 AM, bearophile wrote:
Paulo Pinto:

You can think of Julia as a dynamic language similar to Python, with optional typing and for such a young language, a quite good JIT
compiler backed by the LLVM backend.

Unlike dynamic languages, at running time all variables are strongly

What do you mean?

Just a wild guess: that the compiler infers the type of a variable and turns it into a static type. That would increase the security during
runtime (plugins, libraries, crackers).

Julia doesn't have a compiler. There's no compile-time and run-time distinction. But functions are jitted before execution.

I know. I was talking about JIT compilation. There must be some kind of (jit) compiler.

I don't see how that means "variables are strongly typed". If you mean that at runtime they carry their type information, so do dynamic languages.

But are the types immutable at runtime (in other dynamically typed languages) or can they be reassigned as in

x =  "Hello"
x = 5

If yes, then I think this is what Julia is addressing, that a module, library or malevolent cracker cannot reassign a different type to a variable.

x = 5 // Error!
If so,

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