Michiel Helvensteijn wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

You should read my reply to myself, though. It describes an ambiguity in
the approach. Several solutions are discussed. (Just translate them from
grouping to non-grouping solutions.)
My reader does not show that message.

How strange.


Oh, I do see it. But that message predates your other message, the one I was replying too.

To summarize:

bool empty
    void set(auto value) { ... }
    bool get() { ... }

I would really really prefer to not have two scopes in there. It makes properties unduly arcane to define, particularly read-only properties. They should be about as easy to define as regular methods.

Then in a later message you mention:

bool empty.get() { ... }
void empty.set(bool b) { ... }

which I like and which does not seem to have difficulties; the names "get" and "set" will be never used as such.


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