I found a bug in Phobos library, but failed to find a way to report it. I do not see "Issues" tab on page https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos, so I'll report the bug here.

Look at file process.d line ~360, it is the very beginning of function spawnProcessImpl:

    const(char)[] name = args[0];
    if (any!isDirSeparator(name))
        if (!isExecutable(name))
throw new ProcessException(text("Not an executable file: ", name));
        name = searchPathFor(name);
        if (name is null)
throw new ProcessException(text("Executable file not found: ", name));

Look at the "else" clause. If function searchPathFor failed, we are throwing an error "Executable file not found: ", which is supposed to include name of executable file. But name at this moment is null... :-(

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