On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 05:51:16 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
On Thursday, 15 May 2014 at 02:49:28 UTC, Adam Sakareassen via Digitalmars-d wrote:
The more D allows 'pure' functions to diverge from functional purity the less relevant the flag is for compiler optimisations.
By the same reasoning cacheability is important. A pure function might be called within a loop with a parameter that is not altered during the loop. If the compiler knows the function is pure, it can perform the calculation before the loop and simply reuse the cached result for each iteration.

Yep, purity implies memoing. Malloc and new are not pure because they return objects that can be differentiated by address.

There's an important difference between malloc and new: malloc returns a pointer, but new returns a typed object. This is crucial IMO, because the returned objects are equal to each other. They aren't identical, but then different int variables with the same value aren't identical either, and a function returning int is still considered pure. So it's not identity (~ address) that matters.

Pure in D seems pointless to me.

Not at all: Don't think of it in terms of low-level optimization opportunities, but in terms of semantics. For example, you get the concept of uniqueness. And the optimizations can still be done, because strongly pure functions can be recognized by their signatures.

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