On 2014-05-15 6:04 PM, "Ola Fosheim Grøstad"
It can do some tree shaking if you turn off metainfo. But D templates is
bound to lead to bloat. Dart is a dynamic language and does not benefit
much from templates. The power of Dart is in closures, but are you sure
that D closures are compatible?

Templates are compile-time, a D compiler always takes care of all its compile-time duties =)

Dart2js produce large files, acceptable performance, but big.

That's a temporary issue, I'm looking at years from now when/if Dart is more mature and implemented in more browsers as an alternative to javascript

Also, I talked about caching in the VM


Never. PNaCl will stay faster, it is IR based and multi threaded. Dart
is a dynamic language designed to be JS compatible. The advantage with
dart source distribution is in download size and future proof
compatibility, not speed.

There's a lot of advantages to a source-code VM vs a bytecode VM.

Javascript is compiled into a source-code VM, sure it'll never exceed the power of a byte-code VM because without more type information the optimization opportunities are limited

See these benchmarks over time as an example:

Dart is still very young and does not benefit from as many optimizations for the moment.

This same team (the V8 team) decided that a VM based on dynamic typing in a type-safe language would be better than pure bytecode because of adaptive and profile-guided optimizations. To me that's truly groundbreaking, and based on these charts - I'd trust them!

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