On Mon, 3 Aug 2009, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

> A while ago I mentioned the video of my BoostCon keynote "Iterators Must Go"
> will be soon available online. Here it is:
> http://boostcon.blip.tv/
> Andrei

Good talk.. I remember reviewing the slides from when you gave the talk 
originally at the accu conference. :)  The very last question has a very 
simple answer that you forgot about and sort of danced around.

To repeat the question:
q) Why not have both iterators and ranges?

The answer was given earlier in the talk.. 
a) Iterators are fundamentally unsafe.

btw.. the birds chirping throughout made me really want to go to boostcon.  
That it's set in such a wonderful location (Aspen) is a major selling 


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