On Thursday, 29 May 2014 at 20:44:43 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
I'd love to see command-line flag that enables garbage
collection in compiler (disabled by default). It does not
matter how fast compiler is if it crashes on big project. And
difference between 10 seconds vs 30 seconds is not as important
as difference between 2 seconds vs 10 seconds anyway.
I'd like to provide another use case:
I use vibe.d to host my website in a DigitalOcean virtual machine
with 512M RAM, which is the cheapest and most popular VPS
sulotion out there. But I can't build my dub/vibe.d project on it
because 512M RAM is far from enough for any CTFE related code to
build. It crashes every time. My solution now is to use a
VirtualBox ubuntu on my Mac/Win8 to build the project and rsync
it on to DigitalOcean. Which is very slow turnaround.
I think to make D based web programming popular, we have to make
it possible to run on most of the cloud PAAS platforms (see
Python/GoogleAppEngine and Ruby/Heroku and all those PHP machines
out there). 512M RAM is a crucial deadline for the compiler's
memory usage if we really want that to happen.