On 2014-06-04 21:25, Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d wrote:

I have an OSX box to start porting.  But there's a couple druntime
related problems I need to have a proper sit down about.  These are
mostly TLS-related problems.  DMD insists on doing something wildly
different for each target.  I insist on having a common way of doing

Yeah, TLS seems to be a recurring problem. I would prefer to have native support. I think it's ok to drop the support for 10.6 now.

Once builds start succeeding, they will come.


BTW, is http://gdcproject.org/downloads/ a reliable source for downloading GDC? Eventually I would like to add support for GDC to DVM and I need a reliable source to download from, both the latest compiler and older versions.

[1] https://github.com/jacob-carlborg/dvm

/Jacob Carlborg

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