On Wednesday, 4 June 2014 at 19:04:19 UTC, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

It's strange, I find that even ambient music distracts me, yet the loud noise of an occasional passing train doesn't. Similarly, even whispers will distract me, but birds chirping, trees rustling, etc., don't.

It's something about intelligible sounds that engage my brain somehow, that non-intelligible sounds don't have. So far, I haven't found anybody else who experiences the same thing.

Me too! I think it's pretty much the default human nature through evaluation! We keep filtering / ignoring the usual noises so that we can pick up on new ones, just like our noses ignoring an existing smell to be able to recognize a new smell.

Similarly, it is easy to hear own name despite all the noise in a crowded room.

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