On Tuesday, 10 June 2014 at 19:04:18 UTC, Stefan Frijters wrote:
I've been using the multidimensional arrays for a while now, but recently I've run into a problem w.r.t. optimization:

import std.stdio;
import unstd.multidimarray;

void main() {
  MultidimArray!(double, 3) arr;
  arr = multidimArray!double([1,2,42]);

If I compile with 'dmd multidimtest.d unstd/multidimarray.d', I get [1,2,42], as expected, but when I compile in release mode 'dmd multidimtest.d unstd/multidimarray.d -release' I get [0,0,0]. Any ideas what might cause this?

I've looked into this and it seems there is required code inside a contract 'in', which is omitted with -release.

I've gone ahead and opened a pull request to fix this: https://bitbucket.org/denis-sh/unstandard/pull-request/2/bugfixes-for-multidimarrayd


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