On 06/15/2014 08:32 PM, Dicebot wrote:

This is solution for a problem I am currently having with implementing
http://wiki.dlang.org/DIP54 (afair it was also mentioned by Timon Gehr
during old discussion of that DIP)

New proposed semantics ( to catch your attention and get to read the
link ;) ):

template Pack(T...)
     alias expand = T;

     alias opIndex(size_t index) = T[index];
     alias opSlice(size_t lower, size_t upper) = Pack!(T[lower..upper]);
     alias opDollar = T.length;

// no ambiguity as Pack!(int, int) is not a valid type
// is(element == int)
alias element = Pack!(int, int)[1];

LGTM. Maybe you can add something along the following lines as another motivating use case:

struct Tuple(T...){
    T expand;
    template Pack(){
        auto opSlice(size_t lower, size_t upper){
            return tuple(expand[lower..upper]);
    alias Pack!() this;
auto tuple(T...)(T args){ return Tuple!T(args); }

void main(){
    Tuple!(double,int,string) t1=tuple(1.0,2,"three");
    auto t2=t1[1..$];
    static assert(is(typeof(t2)==Tuple!(int,string)));
    foreach(i,v;t1) writeln(i,": ",v);

I.e. this solution is general enough to fix the "unhygienic" behaviour of Phobos tuple slicing.

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