Hi everybody. I'm Angelo Pesce, the author of the post on c0de517e.

First I have to apologize for my bad English and disorganized thoughts. It's not even that my language abilities are too poor, but mostly that I keep my blog as a place to dump some mostly incoherent thoughts. They are not really articles and the posts will evolve over time as I fix things and if a discussion entails I try to make certain points more clear and certain others more coincise and so on.

That said I also have to clarify that I didn't really mean to diss D. A tl;dr version of the post would be: better is better, but doesn't guarantee success, especially when a lot of inertia is present you need disruptions. I think we don't see disruptions in languages used by us (AAA, console game devs) because we're a niche that is not that interesting, so most exiting things happen outside. If I had to place a bet on what -could- be a disruption that would see adoption for us that would be live-coding (that works in our environments). Proof is that we already do it albeit very poorly, which shows how desperate we are for it.

About GC, someone mentioned it. I actually am not against GC, I think it got a bad rep because most languages that use it don't have good control over heap allocations, and that is bad for us. If we had good control over that then we would manage GC perfectly well (as we already do with malloc, which is not without performance issues).

About metaprogramming - http://c0de517e.blogspot.ca/2014/06/bonus-round-languages-metaprogramming.html

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