On Tuesday, 17 June 2014 at 13:36:48 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Tuesday, 17 June 2014 at 13:24:11 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Tuesday, 17 June 2014 at 13:13:00 UTC, Artur Skawina via Digitalmars-d wrote:
artur (who implemented both features last weekend; it started out as a fun "let's-see-how-D-would-look-if-it-had-this"-project, but after making them work and then converting a few small programs, almost immediately realized that he now does not want to live w/o this functionality)

I'd be very interested in seeing PR for the static foreach at the very least ;)

also, foreach that works outside of function scope would be awesome:

mixin template A(TL ...)
        foreach(i, T; TL)
                mixin("T v" ~ i.to!string);

This would drastically improve readability of some of my code.

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