On Monday, 16 June 2014 at 01:23:28 UTC, Daniel Murphy wrote:
"Trass3r"  wrote
Is there any good reason to catch that?
I really want the debugger to fire up.

I know, I hate this. You can disable it by changing rt_trapExceptions in dmain2.d in druntime to false and rebuilding druntime, which is horrible but what I usually do. Unfortunately it is read before Dmain and the module constructors are run so it's tricky to clear on startup.

So you can't even do something like
extern extern (C) __gshared bool rt_trapExceptions;
void main()
        rt_trapExceptions = false;
        asm { int 3; }

Strangely enough now my original example triggers the debugger. Not a clue what changed.

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