On Sunday, 22 June 2014 at 05:18:05 UTC, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d wrote:
On Sun, 22 Jun 2014 00:12:20 +0000
Mason McGill via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

"Attribute" and "property" are pretty much synonyms in English,
and it always seemed strange to me that D had to define them as
different--yet confusingly similar--entities.

They're not even vaguely similar in D. A property is a member of a struct or class which is a variable or a function which emulates a variable, whereas attributes are annotations put on symbols (currently just classes, structs, and functions AFAIK) which indicate extra information to the compiler and to
type introspection.

So, while I can see why you might dislike the fact that attribute and property do not mean the same thing in D, they're _not_ at all similar it how they're used, so I find it very odd if anyone is confusing them. And it's not like D pioneered these meanings for attributes and properties. C# uses them for the
same things.

- Jonatahn M Davis

I was referring to the `Property` and `PropertyIdentifier` entities in the D grammar (http://dlang.org/attribute.html), which are special cases of attributes. "New-style" attributes, like "property", "safe", and "nogc", are `PropertyIdentifier`s and need to be written with the "@" character. Older, non-property attributes, like "pure" and "nothrow", do not.

Sorry if this wasn't clear in the former post.

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