On Tuesday, 24 June 2014 at 21:01:34 UTC, Guillaume Chatelet wrote:
On Wednesday, 18 June 2014 at 19:00:26 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
A coworker brought this list to my attention: https://xstackwiki.modelado.org/DSL%27s

The work on such DSLs (reminiscent of Don's work on optimizing matrix operations years ago) seems be on the rise.

I didn't know most of them.

I encourage everybody interested in Image/Signal Processing to
have a look at  Halide
Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uiEyEKji0M
papers http://halide-lang.org/

I don't know if it's already available in the source code but
they mention the scheduling part can now be optimized through
genetic algorithms : the code will autotune to use the best of
your hardware, exploring the space of  precomputing (stencil
buffer), inlining, multithreading, vectorization, unrolling,
sliding window ...

Thanks for sharing Andrei :)

Halide looks just *mind-blowing* though I couldn't find any project using it on github (other than toy-examples). I couldn't find anything either in the doc about the automatic scheduling they mention in their paper. I am wondering if it is possible to perform linalg operations, it seems rather convolution-oriented. Anyway, it would be awesome to have a D front-end (not that I have the time to code it, I usually just talk ;)).

Else :
Preferably to DSLs though, I am more waiting something as basic as containers based on std.allocator or a standard multi-dimensional array (with range behaviour based on a permutation of the dimensions and allow borrowed slices of any subspace). Well in fact I am not waiting since I do not have the time to code in D but if I had the time this is what I would be waiting/working for. Keep it up !

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