On Monday, 30 June 2014 at 06:21:49 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

When precision is an issue we always choose a software solution. This has been my experience in both geophysics and medical device development. It is cheaper, faster (dev. time), and better tested than anything we would develop within a release time frame.

But D "real" is a winner IMO. At my last workplace we ported some geophysics C++ apps to D for fun. The apps required more precision than double could offer and relied on GMP/MPFR. It was a nice surprise when we found the extra bits in D's real were enough for some of these apps to be correct without GMP/MPFR and gave a real performance boost (pun intended!).

We targeted x86/x86_64 desktops and clusters running linux (windows and MAC on desktops as well).

We did not consider the lack of IBM 360 support to be an issue when porting to D :-P


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