On Thursday, 17 July 2014 at 18:22:11 UTC, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
Actually, I've realized that output ranges are really only useful when you want to store the final result. For data in mid-processing, you
really want to be exporting an input (or higher) range interface
instead, because functions that take output ranges are not composable. And for storing final results, you just use std.algorithm.copy, so there's really no need for many functions to take an output range at

Plain algorithm ranges rarely need to allocate at all so those are somewhat irrelevant to the topic. What I am speaking about are variety of utility functions like this:

S detab(S)(S s, size_t tabSize = 8)
    if (isSomeString!S)

this allocates result string. Proper alternative:

S detab(S)(ref S output, size_t tabSize = 8)
    if (isSomeString!S);


void detab(S, OR)(OR output, size_t tab_Size = 8)
    if (   isSomeString!S
        && isSomeString!(ElementType!OR)

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