Wed, 12 Aug 2009 10:22:22 -0400, Jarrett Billingsley thusly wrote:

> but DMD crashes.  :P

Who would have guessed! It would help if the compiler knew how to do 
semantic analysis.. here are a couple of additional test cases - a type 
checker for these can be written in approximately 30 minutes in Prolog or 
SML or something similar.

# auto foo() { return 1; }

# pragma(msg, typeof(foo).stringof);

# void main() {
#   foo();
# }

: foo.d(3): Error: forward reference to foo
: foo.d(3): Error: forward reference to inferred return type of function 
call (())()
: (())()

# auto foo(int a) { return a>0 ? foo(a-1) : a; }

# void main() {
#   foo(0);

: foo.d(1): Error: forward reference to foo
: foo.d(1): Error: forward reference to inferred return type of function 
call foo(a - 1)

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