On Wed, 2014-07-23 at 22:58 +0200, Paulo Pinto via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> So far I could only find
> "Looking into the JVM Crystal Ball"
> http://www.parleys.com/play/524f6b5be4b0a43ac12123a9/about
> Between 00:40:00 and 00:45:50, compilation gets discussed, including AOT.
> Not the ones about Graal, though.
> I am pretty sure I saw a slide with it as part of the Java 9+ wishlist,
> now just have to remember if it was actually at JavaONE, Devoxx, FOSDEM 
> or Jax. :\

I'll check this out. I am also getting the folk from the LJC who
represent the LJC on the JCP EC (LJC is an elected members) to get a
definitive statement on the road map.

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.win...@ekiga.net
41 Buckmaster Road    m: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp: rus...@winder.org.uk
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