On Friday, 25 July 2014 at 09:12:11 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 25/07/14 10:48, Walter Bright wrote:
Putting it simply,

1. == uses opEquals. If you don't supply opEquals, the compiler will
make one for you.

2. AAs use ==. See rule 1.

Easy to understand, easy to explain, easy to document.

It's very hard to use D when it constantly changes and breaks code. It's especially annoying reading your comments on reddit that we must stop break code. Then a few days later go an break code. I really hope no one gets false hopes from those comments.

The _only_ code that would break would be code that's _already_ broken - code that defines opCmp in a way that's inconsistent with the default opEquals and then doesn't define opEquals. I see no reason to worry about making sure that we don't break code that's already broken.

- Jonathan M Davis

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