language_fan Wrote:

> One way to teach languages with both high and low level concepts is to 
> start bottom-up. Surely the high level concepts are usually built from 
> atomic low level artifacts.

I agree. I am writing an online D tutorial that targets the novice programmer, 
where the concepts are built from the bottom up.

I didn't think that starting with 0s and 1s was too technical for anybody: 
there is electricity or not... Anyone can grasp that concept, especially when 
0s and 1s are at least heard by everybody.

I think giving an explanation of 0s and 1s at the lowest level and exposing 
them to the novice breaks the barriers and welcomes them to the programmers' 
land; as opposed to "we will tell you that later." That would grasp the 
reader... (Disclaimer too: Not tested on anyone.)

Then I explain that such an entity (bit) could only represent concepts with two 
states like "heads or tails"; so the CPU provides types that can represent 
more; which are still not sufficient to represent higher level concepts like "a 
playing card" or "a laser gun in a computer game". Enter the programming 

It took me a few paragraphs to build this bottom up picture. I occasionally 
still refer to the CPU when teaching a seemingly unrelated topic.

I am following the method of introducing concepts one by one with examples, 
problems, and solutions. It looks great in the sandbox... ;)


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